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A l i A l f a i f i

I’ve always loved making videos since I was a little kid, and this passion grew with me over the years. Even though my first career path was in a completely different field, it taught me everlasting lessons in discipline, time management and leadership, not to mention the sense of adventure in working around JETs!.
Simultaneously, I was developing my skills in filmmaking and working as a freelancer with various clients in the public and private sectors. After a while I was introduced to the great field of motion design & visual effects which was a huge added value to my work and showed me the link between Film, Design and Technology.
Throughout time I started to realize how powerful filmmaking would be when it's DESIGN oriented. Design by its broad meaning, in thinking when approaching problems, and in applying its principles in the actual production. I still prefer the whole process of post-production more than anything else, but lately I had my opportunities in directing commercials.
Working in an ad agency for the last few years gave me a new perspective to the whole process of developing a successful campaign where I developed my skills even further in strategic thinking, planning and writing.

I've always been drawn to teaching as well, I developed online tutorials and courses over the years. Recently though, 2021 is a bit different since I had the pleasure of being contacted by the Graphic Design & Digital Media College administration at Princess Nourah Bint Abdul Rahman University, within thier new collabirative program with working talents from the market to teach some courses throughout the semester to help give the student a close prespective to the market that they will join as soon as they graduate. I am an instructor for the Degital Media practical course، teaching four divisions of students at thier 4th semester.
I participated in an international design award that took place in Como, Italy in the category of movie & animation and won the Bronze Award.

2020 was challenging for everyone and UBRAND was no different, yet I’m proud it was the year we were recognized for two awards as The Agency of The Year one within Saudi and one within the Middle East.

I was invited to give a workshop about (motion design in the entertainment industry) in the Bahrain in Motion event.

I was a guest speaker at an Adobe event in Riyadh called (Inspire Me)

The great people at Dar Al Hekma University invited me to give an online lecture to their Visual Communication Program students about to graduate in the university continuing program that aims to give the students a real world view of the market they’re about to go into.

Courses & Workshops

In 2017th Hakaya Misk in Abha city, I was asked by the organizers of the event to give 5 live workshops in motion design across 2 days.

2019 was devoted to developing a comprehensive online motion design course that is focused on advanced applications that would help aspiring artists to start working in the market whether they have a formal education in the field or not, as well as some theory lessons to help artists get the proper understanding of the market and the craft. The course was launched in 2020 in collaboration with 24 Etar

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